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Water kefir is a fermented, carbonated beverage that is produced using water kefir grains.

Also known as tibicos, California bees, Japanese water crystals and other names, water kefir is thought to have originated in the late 1800s.

Unlike regular kefir, which is made from cow, sheep or goat milk, water kefir is made by combining sugar water with water kefir grains — a type of grain-like culture of bacteria and yeast.

The mixture is then typically fermented for 24–48 hours, producing a probiotic beverage rich in beneficial bacteria.

Water kefir is not only delicious and easy to enjoy but also packed with health benefits and can be an excellent addition to a well-rounded, nutritious diet.

It’s simple to prepare and easily tailored to your taste buds.

When you order this culture you will receive 1TBS of culture, which you can cultivate and grow and recipes and instructions.

Water Kefir Culture

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